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(Real Talk Series #21) Gene Zanetti

Episode #: 069
(Real Talk Series #21) Gene Zanetti

Guest: Gene Zanetti
Topics: Winning Mindset, retail


Chris Ressa 0:01
This is retail retold the story of how that store ended up in your neighborhood. I’m your host, Chris Ressa. And I invite you to join my conversation with some of the retail industry’s biggest influencers. This podcast is brought to you by DLC management. Gene Zanetti. Gean is a friend and former college wrestling teammate of mine. Jean is the founder and owner of winning mindset. And I’ll let Jean tell a little bit more about what he does his journey and his business. Welcome to the show, Gene.

Gene Zanetti 0:40
Chris, thank you very much for having me. Yeah, man.

Ressa 0:44
So tell us a little bit about you and winning mindset. All right, so

Zanetti 0:49
I guess we have to take it from the top. So me and both my younger brother brothers were always very close. We wrestled from a young age played baseball and football also. By the time high school came around, we started really focusing on wrestling. And I wanted to take 1/3 and state both my brothers took second realize just how mental sports are. I would always consider myself more of a practice room wrestler, like if we had the state tournament in practice. I feel like I would want it and probably pretty big. Maybe that’s true. Maybe it’s not. But I did a lot better in practice than matches. Right? And then obviously, so me and my brothers, we wound up wound up competing in college, obviously we were teammates at rockers. Then I transferred to Penn from my last two years University of Pennsylvania, me and my brother Jeff were teammates there. We were both nationally ranked all Ivy League. Our brother Greg, he was the best out of the three of us was ranked as high as six in the country to time Academic All American over rockers. And again, it’s just mindset, all three of our careers mindset. We did a lot of things. Well, there was a lot of areas we needed to improve. During that time, you know, will will come from an Italian family, you don’t have to look for advice, advice finds you, right?

Ressa 2:03
That’s for sure.

Zanetti 2:04
By the time I was around a junior in high school, my mom would say you know, you better start thinking about what you want to do with your life. So I said, Okay, I don’t know, my dad’s an accountant. So I guess maybe I’ll be an accountant. So I took an elective in high school accounting. I also took psychology because a friend recommended I would do that. As I said, it was a cool class. I hated accounting, I loved psychology. So And at one point in time, we had like a mock interview where a mock counseling session was a total disaster. But that was like an aha moment. I said to myself, if these people were taking it serious, I think I could have helped them. This is what I do with my life. So it was boom, I want to be a psychologist then, and I was not not a big reader in high school. One time I went to a Barnes and Noble or was borders that that bookstore, and I was in the Self Help section came across a book titled fight your fears and when was probably a freshman at Rutgers at this time. And that, that was basically a sports psychology book. I’d never heard of sports psychology. I really needed it. So I read the book, and I said, this is what I want to do. I want to be a sport psychologist. So then at that point at rockers, I started gearing towards that sophomore year of rockers. I had a great teammate and friend, Chris ReSSA. Put a book in front of me and say, Rich Dad, Poor Dad Zanetti. You need to read this by Robert Kiyosaki. And after I read that book, that was another aha moment, one of those three aha moments, I said, I want to be a business owner in sports psychology. So that was kind of like the journey of how it clicked in my mind. So at that point, I applied for a master’s degree program after Penn, went to Springfield College. My master’s degree was in sports psychology, Exercise Science and sports psychology. Wound up transferring to finish that degree, went to LaSalle University for my doctorate wound up actually getting dishonorably discharged kicked out of the program after 45 doctoral credits because I got a C in statistics. Wow. I didn’t know that. Yeah, so I passed my first competency exam. But I but you can’t get it. You can’t get a C in a doctoral program. So I got knocked out of there. Okay, what am I going to do with my life?

Ressa 4:18
So, I come back home to New

Zanetti 4:21
Jersey. I go to Montclair State to get a second master’s degree, which I wasn’t thrilled about. But I needed to do something. All my eggs were in this basket to be a sports psychologist. I don’t know what else I’m going to do. So I said, maybe school psychology. I’ll be a school psychologist, and I’ll build my business during this time. Now at this time, I was already taking individual mindset clients over the phone, and I was already speaking with teams and wrestling clubs. So in a sense, I was building a business while I was getting my first master’s degree and while I was at LaSalle, but it wasn’t formal. It was taking clients and teams on the side. So what Montclair, I was a personal trainer over at Robert Wood Johnson fitness and wellness near where my parents

Ressa 5:06
live by Edison. And I met a

Zanetti 5:11
guy who I was personally training there. And he said, Oh, he loves a lot of my ideas. He said, I’ll be your first investor. So he was the original business partner with me, my brother Jeff and my brother Greg. But it started with him who is already a businessman. Anyway, he wound up leaving the company a year or two into it. And then my brother Jeff and I, we started running hard with it. Jeff was a financial advisor at Merrill Lynch. I was going to school for school psychology, I had six months into my into the career, and then basically left that Jeff left his job as a financial advisor. And we started running hard with winning mindset, which was originally just wrestling mindset, we niche marketed it. We said, we’re going to work with wrestlers, sports psychology, by wrestlers, for wrestlers, and then with the intention that we’re going to eventually branch out to other sports. And then hopefully in the future, business, fitness and these other offshoots.

Ressa 6:05

that’s fantastic story. So you did this wrestling mindset thing, then you you branched off into sports? How long has this business

been alive? So informally,

Zanetti 6:19
I started taking if you remember that success hotline that I was that I would call in college, Dr. Gilbert sports psychology professor at Montclair State. He’s been a great mentor of mine. Every day, he has what’s called the success hotline to three and a half minute message. He’s been doing it since 1992. Every single day. Wow. I started wrestling. Well, this guy, he said, when I was getting my master’s degree, he said, you could just call yourself a sports psychology expert. You can’t say you’re a psychologist, you could start right now start taking clients give a free presentation at a wrestling club, and then charge individual clients. So I started doing that back in 2008 2012. We formalized the business. So 2008 I was at my master’s degree at Springfield, then there’s LaSalle. Then there’s Montclair, that’s around 2012. That’s when we officially started the business. Me and my brother Jeff

Ressa 7:10

  1. And since then, how big

is this business guy? And how many you have? You have a team of employees? You have independent contractors? Talk about the size? Yes. So in 2012

Oh, boy. What do we have? We probably had about 15 clients, 15 individual clients.

Zanetti 7:33
We’d have any teams that year, we started taking teams the next year. Yeah, so I think the first year, it was that first year we did this we wound up making I think it was like 12,000. Wow, that between me and my brother. Okay. But that’s why at first we needed to we were still working our other jobs.

Ressa 7:52
Yep. That was 2012.

Zanetti 7:56
Went away. Last year, we brought in very close to a million just under a million. Wow. And in the beginning, you know, that’s, that’s obviously gross. You’re getting I was providing 100% of the services. The first year, I was taking every team and every individual. So probably 20 teams and 20 individuals in year two, this year, the past year, I took two teams, and had like two individuals. So we have a staff of 65 independent contractors. And and they’re all across the country. They’re coast to coast.

Ressa 8:26
And those those contract independent contractors are teaching the mindset program. Right? You have a sales team that’s going out and getting the business.

Right. Well, there’s there’s

Zanetti 8:36
some of them, this is some of the mindset coaches are salesmen. Yeah, we have what we call club runners. That’s how I started the business speaking at a wrestling club, you speak at the club, you have the parents sign in, then you call the parents, and then you make the sales that way. And then coaches convention. So we know the parents are at the sports clubs. So that’s where we need to go to get individual clients. And the coaches go to state and national coaching conventions. So we presented the coaching conventions for teams, and we present that sports clubs for free for the individuals.

Ressa 9:10
And you now are ventured, you move from wrestling and you moved into other sports.

Zanetti 9:15
Right? So just before COVID struck, we had 200 about 250 teams, and 250 individuals on our program.

Ressa 9:23
Wow. And,

and so you’ve diversified you went into all these sports. And then the next piece I want to talk about is COVID hit, and it affected all sports, which affected your business. And so what did you start to do at that point? Because Jean I know does not give up.

Now can’t stop won’t stop.

Zanetti 9:45
So what happened was as soon as I saw we were getting shut down. I mean, we literally called the company meeting the next day. We didn’t take any time to lick our wounds or anything like that. We said Alright, listen. What does history teach us? History teaches us that during times like This massive adversity at like a national or global scale, there’s some people that go broke. And there’s other people that become multimillionaires, right? There’s some athletes, this is gonna ruin their career. And there’s other ones that are just gonna soar to the next level. We’re gonna be that second group, we’re taking this to the next level. You know, that doesn’t happen automatically. For us. I know, that takes a long time. But we’re getting started right now. So we started throwing around ideas, what what can we be doing? And one of the things we did, we started our meeting of the minds, the interview that we had, that we had you on. So we started speaking to different athletes, different coaches, successful business people, and just making connections just pumping out a lot of information. We said at that business meeting also that, you know, whenever there’s, whenever there’s adversity, there’s opportunity. So we’re going to focus on what opportunity is here, we’re going to make a lot of connections, we’re going to pump out a lot of free value,

Ressa 10:53
just a lot of value. And, yep. And you pivoted

your business, you started taking on a new world of clients, and those were the business world

clients. Right? Right. So

Zanetti 11:05
we started doing we said, since 2015, we worked with several sales teams, but they were one they were one off deals they came to us. So as an example, the announcer for rockers wrestling was a former heavyweight they’re shown to dine. He’s 40, under 40, like yourself, he came to us when he was working at Aerotech, a recruiting company, he was the sales manager. And he said, Why don’t you come in and work with our sales team, just do what you do with sports teams, because he knew we worked with the Olympic team and some of the top colleges and high schools in the country. So we came in work this team, he loved it, he left that job to start his dream, his own business, the actual group, recruiting company, he brought us in there, that was one of our best success stories. But that was a one off deal. Then one of the wrestling teams we’ve worked with for years in Utah, American Fork High School. In the summer, he was working a job selling up pest control door to door. So he connected us with that team. And we started working with with them on their sales strategy, not not so much strategy, but their mindset, acts of financial, I think their global 500 or something like that company. And we are working with them. That was one of my former wrestling teammates and middle school, he was star football player in high school. He knew about what I do, he brought me into work this team, so they were all one off deals. Now, we said during this time, let’s approach corporate America sales teams, for the peak performance mindset. And then also approaching HR for mental health. Wellness, because a lot of people are struggling now on President times.

Ressa 12:39
And have you been landing business? Yeah, we so

Zanetti 12:44
we just been starting with introduction sessions with the teams. Awesome. That’s great. What we do with all the teams that we work with, are everyone we speak to, we’re happy to do free introduction sessions for anyone. Right, give the value first thing in return. So we’ve been we’ve been doing a lot of that. So we got our introduction sessions with a lot of teams. And now you can see things are ready to start really kicking into gear.

Ressa 13:07
So I think something interesting you, so you’re a sports psychologist? No.

Zanetti 13:13
Master’s degree in sports psychology. My master’s degree is in clinical psychology. So I’m a school psychologist. But I’m not a doctoral psychologist.

Ressa 13:22
Got it. Okay. The LaSalle story. I got it. But you you were hired by you worked with the Olympic team?

Yep, the

Zanetti 13:31
United States Greco Roman team and the United States Women’s Freestyle team,

Ressa 13:35
and what did you do with them? So I went out to Colorado Springs,

Zanetti 13:38
and I worked through those teams personally. So it didn’t face to face that the same mindset program we normally do. So it’s very different than motivational speaking or counseling or therapy. I love all those things. I follow a lot of motivational speakers on Instagram. Of course, I love counseling and therapy. That’s what I went to school for. But mindset training is much more like strength training for your mind. So we have a curriculum, and they fill out the curriculum.

Ressa 14:05
Yeah, so go more into that, because I think that’s a good distinction. You’re not doing motivational speaking, you’re doing mindset training. So talk about that a little bit more expand on that.

Zanetti 14:14
Right. So we look at it as the whole analogy is strength training for your mind. Okay, it’s better to do a little, a little a

Ressa 14:22
lot than to do a lot a little. Right. So

Zanetti 14:25
what most teams most sales teams and businesses do. First of all, the focus is predominantly on the X’s and O’s, right? The technical training. Almost everyone says success, whether it’s sports sales, your school, most people say your success is 90% mental, but they trained 90% technical. Sure, you want to work hard and smart. So it’s the same concept with mindset training. You can’t just think about bench pressing or doing squats or deadlifting. You have to get into the gym and you have to lift the weight. It’s the same thing with mindset. If you’re just listening to a motivation No speech, even if there are one of these big names that come in and speak to your organization, it’s great. It is motivating. But overall, it’s more entertainment. I mean, how much are people really gaining? Right long term. So for us with just like we do with our sports teams, it’s these micro learning sessions on a regular basis with the teams, where they’re going through our systematic mindset program Wohlfahrt with 80 mindset lessons, and it’s putting the pen to paper doing the exercises. So if someone wanted to get stronger legs, you would know what to tell them. They got to squat deadlift, by curls, leg extensions, leg press step ups, you’ll be able to rattle them off like that. But if someone asked you well, how do you build confidence?

Ressa 15:45
It’s a little bit tougher. The same exact thing though,

Zanetti 15:49
you need to know the exercises. So I give you the eight to 10 exercises to build competence. If it’s relaxing under pressure, you’re struggling with nerves. What do you do to relax under pressure? Most coaches will say, well just calm down. Well, how do I calm down, just relax. And it’s circular logic and the wheels on the bus go round and round.

Ressa 16:08
So we told you this is really interesting and thought provoking. I think a lot of people in the business world, right, we talked about this all the time, how do you gain you know, they got to be get confident? How does one gain confidence and train confidence that is a it’s kind of up here in the air, and it’s hard to wrap your head around. So and maybe we’ll come back to that one. But let’s let’s talk about we’re gonna talk about tie top five business mindset tips from jeans and Eddie. So I love lists. So let’s go. And I might have some questions on these. Let’s let’s go for number five, what’s the number five top a top five business mindset tip?

Okay, so just quickly, what

Zanetti 16:51
we do with the teams, we have our teams go through them, whether it’s sports or sales, the first thing they do is they go through the mindset principles, there’s four of them, but there’s actually that I was thinking of adding, so it’s a perfect top five, let’s

Ressa 17:03
do it. What are the mindset principles,

Zanetti 17:05
we go through with the team. So the first one, so number five, will say, I’m, I’m thankful for the opportunity to work starts with an attitude of gratitude, Okay, you go to any local hospital, nursing home, you see there’s people that can’t move and can think the way we can. Also during this whole COVID thing, you learn to have that attitude of gratitude. The opposite of depression is not happiness. I didn’t realize that. But during my doctoral program, I learned the opposite of being sad and depressed, is being thankful. Being grateful. So number one has to be I’m thankful for the opportunity to work.

Ressa 17:38
Got it. Number Number four,

Zanetti 17:43
I’m aggressive and relentless. Okay, so that attitude most people who are successful with few exceptions, they’re hustlers, they’re go getters that get after it, you’ve got to err on the side of being gutsy. You got to err on the side of being cautious or gutsy, you got to play to win, like not not to lose. So you’re aggressive, you’re going for it, you’re pulling the trigger. And relentless means you’re sustaining that aggression the whole time, you don’t start pumping the brakes, you keep going.

Ressa 18:11
Number three, is

Zanetti 18:15
I have no fear of losing or making mistakes. And that’s the big one. That’s the number one thing that holds that holds people back. Right, they’re afraid of losing, they’re afraid of making mistakes. The worst person to go against in a war is the soldier who says today’s a great day to die. They’re willing to put it on the line. You look at history, the greatest warriors, the US military, the Spartans, the Samurai, the Aztecs, they have two things in common. Number one, they know what they believe. That’s what we’re going through right here, our principles, right, our top five list. And number two, they’re willing to die. In other words, they’re willing to put it on the line. So in sales and business, we know it’s not a life or death matter. I mean, of course, we have to feed our families, but one particular sales, not life or death, but they’re willing to put it on the line. And that’s as a result of knowing what you believe. So number three is I have no fear of losing or making mistakes, we’re not going to get sucked into what other people are thinking about us. We’re not too focused on the results. We’re focused on things within our control. We could talk about that later, if you want the difference between the predator and the prey mindset. Number two, is I never ever give up. As you said before, there’s got to be no quit inside you. And you could quit while things are going poorly. But you could also quit when things are going really well. So it’s like like in sports. If you’re winning by, you know, five points in a wrestling match. You could say, Alright, I’m gonna coast here, where you can get a little bit tougher. And you could say, now we’re going to step we’re going to stick them in the ground, we’re going to step right on their throat. Right? So having that attitude where you’re, you’re going all in, even if you’re winning. And then the same thing in business, just not being content, even if things are going really well. And obviously the tough time is when things are not going well. But that’s where your characters reveal tough times. That’s that reveals your character. And number one is I trust in the process. Because it’s a journey. It takes a lot of time. You know, you spend most of your life on the plateau, there’s improvements, and there’s a plateau. I think that’s the book on mastery by George Leonard. And he talks about that there’s there’s success, plateau for a long time, and some more success and then plateau for a long time. So you’re going to spend most of your life on a plateau. be uncomfortable with that trusting the process and knowing as long as you keep doing what you need to do working both hard and smart. That means technically on the X’s and O’s. And mindset, of course, because we’re saying it’s 90% mental our success, you could trust that process is going to pay off. Okay,

Ressa 20:46
so are interesting principles. You mentioned before, I think competence is interesting topic. How does one build confidence chain? All right,

Zanetti 20:58
first of all, competence is mostly it’s mostly about what you’re focused on. Okay. So if you’re focusing on things you do well, and past successes, you’re going to be competent. If you focus on things you’re not so good at, or past failures, you’re not going to be very competent, concrete example I could think of as my brother, Greg at Rutgers is ranked sixth in the country. And I visited him at his at his apartment, and on his desk was all different areas of improvement, everything he needed to work on and practice. Okay, that’s great. You want to you want to know what you have to work on. I said to him, Okay, where’s your list of all the things you’re doing well, and he couldn’t name it. He couldn’t name anything. At that moment, rank six in America, he couldn’t tell me one thing he was doing well. So even though he was doing really well, where’s his competence? Probably very low. Now, competence doesn’t mean you’re just looking at everything through rose colored lenses. But we know the top executives, leaders, teachers, parents, coaches, they have a three to one praise to critique ratio, I’ve even heard it’s as high as five to one praise to critique ratio. Well, you’re a coach to everyone’s a coach, you’re always coaching yourself. So your praise to critique ratio needs to be three to one, or even five to one. So what makes most people competent? is they’re focusing on what they did well, and what are their strengths. So you need to know that you need to be able to easily recall what your strengths are, if I’m walking into a presentation, and I think I’m one of the shortest guys in the room, you know, I I, I broke out on my forehead with some pimples, I didn’t really do that, well, giving a presentation two years ago, my confidence is going to be in the toilet. But if I remind myself of all the things I do, well, I’ll be very competent. So the key is this. Here’s the mindset exercise, easy to say. But that’s not practical. It’s putting it down on paper, writing down a list of all your strengths in whatever area you’re trying to be competent in. And then making a long list of all your past successes in that area. So that’s one where so we’ve a whole, we’ve been whole 10 Day confidence Crash Course. So I could just literally take you through these exercises, your body language, the simplest way to change the way you feel is to change the way you move. Right? So you have to know what competence looks like. Generally speaking, competence is not closed body language, head down, speaking softly, not making good eye contact, it’s good eye contact, project, your voice, larger body movements, you need to know what that looks like first. So writing it down on paper, what is your what is positive body language? Who are some examples of positive body language? That would be a third example? Who are some of your success models? So who are successful people that you know who looks successful? Well write that down? What do they look like? How can you weave that into what you do? Another way to build competence, competence, confidence builds competence, and competence builds confidence, get better at your skill, hone your craft, get a lot of reps in. So writing out a plan, how you’re going to get if it’s if it’s giving a presentation, practicing that presentation over and over and over. If it’s giving a pitch over the phone, in selling, you need to know what that looks like. You should be able to do that without even thinking that’s reps, more competence you build, the greater your competence is. So that and there’s and there’s other. Yeah, we totally.

Ressa 24:28
What are some other this is I think this is unique to this podcast. And in these listeners, what are some other things that people are, you know, kind of aha moments that people have in your mindset training, some, you know, lessons in the mindset curriculum. Anything else? One more?

Zanetti 24:45
I think it’s really that focus. Like I was saying before that predator prey mindset so all great leaders, teachers and coaches, they all say the same thing. Focus on what you could control. Forget about what you can’t control. Everyone’s heard that there’s no one who hasn’t heard that.

Ressa 25:00
I say that a lot to my team, right? But how do you get that message to stick?

Zanetti 25:04
Right? And we’ve come up with this great analogy that we found works just as well, with youth athletes, to the Olympic team, to our UFC fighters, right to our high level executives and sales teams. And it’s talking about the predator and prey mindset. So, at Penn, I took an Animal Behavior class, we learned there’s two types of animals, predator and prey. And you could tell the difference between those animals by their eyes. So if you look at predator animals, like lions, tigers, and bears, were their eyes on the front of their head or on the side,

Ressa 25:36
on the front, right? Why?

Because they’re focused on their prey.

Zanetti 25:44
Right, they’re focused on what they’re looking to do. So we say eyes on the front, like to hunt. Now, when you think about prey, animals, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, deer, maybe we have some hunters watching the show, where there is located front of the side,

Ressa 25:57
side. Why? Because there,

they are trying to make sure no one’s coming form.

Zanetti 26:05
Right. So just like we say, eyes on the front, like to hunt, eyes on the side, like to hide, tweet that. So you need to have tweetable moments, right? So so the key is this, that becomes an analogy for your success in business, your success in life, or sports, you name it. If you have a predator mindset, you’re focusing on things within your control. Broadly speaking, that’s your lifestyle, your preparation. And then on game day, the day you perform. That’s all in the bank, lifestyle and preparation are in the bank. Now there’s only three things you could focus on effort, attitude, and aggressiveness. That’s predator mindset that whether you’re giving a big presentation, whether you’re speaking in front of a bunch of people, wrestling, finals, championship, sales call, whatever it is effort, attitude, and aggressiveness that’s in your control. Everything else becomes prey mindset, comparing yourself to other people in sports, focusing on records, ranking, seedings predictions, thinking about what what are other people thinking about me? That’s the big thing that holds most people back. What are other people’s opinions of me? I’m focusing too much on success or failure, winning or losing. That’s prey mindset, because that’s not directly in your control. So you focus on your preparation, your lifestyle, and the day of a competition, effort, attitude and aggressiveness. That’s predator mindset. Everything else is prey mindset. It filters everything out. It’s easy to remember,

Ressa 27:37
and it sticks.

Alright, so one more time, the preparation and lifestyle that’s in the bank. That’s the before,

Zanetti 27:43
right, and then a day of any

Ressa 27:46
attitude and aggressiveness. Right, that’s a focus on what you control.

Zanetti 27:51
That’s it. That’s it, because you can’t control whether you get the sale or not. You can’t control how other people are going to respond to you if you’re going to get the Yes, but positive attitude all the time. And it’s not easy. See a lot of people think of like with mindset training, oh, it’s all it’s hold hands in a circle and sing Kumbaya. That’s not That’s not positive mindset. positive mindset is you’re having a bad day, things aren’t going well. And you’re stubbornly positive and optimistic. It’s hard to do. The last thing you want to do when you’re having a bad day is think of three things you’re thankful for. But that’s why it’s important. You need to do that exercise when you’re having a bad day. And then effort. Are you going all out? Are you holding back? Only? You

Ressa 28:30
know the answer to that.

Zanetti 28:32
And then the same thing with our aggressiveness. Err on the side of gutsy, play to win, not not to lose, don’t focus on the winner loss,

Ressa 28:41
but play to win get after it. Awesome.

I think you really articulated it. You know, I was gonna say do you have a, you know, a business example of those five things, but I think I think it’s pretty self explanatory. But

Zanetti 28:54
yeah, and it’s like, and it’s life too, because you know, what, again, is now the school psychologists coming out of me, not only are you more likely to blow it in the biggest sale of your life, or in the biggest meeting of your life, if you have a brain mindset, that’s also what’s most likely to have people either hooked on drugs, depressed, anxious, suicidal, all those terrible things like those real low areas of life that’s directly related to that prey mindset, because we’re focusing too much on comparing ourselves to other people. And what do other people think about us? So it’s just a great analogy for your entire life. Awesome.

Ressa 29:30
All right, Jean, this has been great. Anything that you would like to get out there about mindset training or mindset that we didn’t talk about that might be thought provoking?

Um, oh, there’s

Zanetti 29:42
so much talk. But I guess a good thing is one of the things we did during COVID We started a daily text message daily motivation blast. So if anyone wanted to jump on that if you text mindset, one, to 84576, which to have a daily text message, it’s free. It’s just a little kick in the pants to get your going, or web site Z winning I could send you any of that.

Ressa 30:05
In the show notes. We’ll put that in the show notes. Alright, last part of our show. We have I’ve got two questions for you, Jean.

Are You Ready? Ready? All right. Question one.

What extinct retailer Do you wish would come back from the dead?

Zanetti 30:26
I have to say Toys R Us Now that my kids are I have to wonder too. So it’s a shame they’re growing up without Toys R Us. So

Ressa 30:33
I have to say them brought a lot of joy to me as a kid. Okay,

so we mentioned earlier before we got on the show, we were talking about working out. And yeah, you haven’t benchpress in a while because you don’t have a benchpress at your house. So I am Ironman, the wieder on Olympic workout bench with squat rack. What does that retail for Jean

benchpress with a squat rack. Yep, wieder

Zanetti 31:07
and I can’t go over right that’s prices, right?

Ressa 31:10
You can you shouldn’t go over. Right wieder with the squat rack? 1500 $199. What? Check it out Jean. What kind of phone?

Zanetti 31:27
Yes, but is this gonna break on me? That’s what I wanted. 199 bucks. I’m not squatting on that thing.

Ressa 31:33
There you go. Get up. 199 looks pretty good. You.

So you definitely didn’t go over your way off. But thank you for playing.

Zanetti 31:43
All right. Thanks for having me. Great stuff. Press.

Ressa 31:45
Yeah, this was awesome, man. So one more time where can people find you?

Zanetti 31:50
So to see winning And we’ll again we work with individuals. We work with teams. We’re happy to do a free introductory session. You know, 2030 minutes just to get you a feel for what it is. And it’s something if it’s if you like it, you have nothing to lose. You keep moving forward. If not, no big deal.

Ressa 32:06
Awesome. Listen, Jane. This has been great. Thanks so much, man.

Zanetti 32:09
Absolutely brother. Take care.

Ressa 32:12
Thank you for listening to retail retold. If you want to share a story about a retail real estate deal that you were a part of on our show. Please reach out to us at retail retold at DLC This show highlights the stories behind the deals from all perspectives. So it doesn’t matter if you are a retailer, broker, entrepreneur, architect or an attorney. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to retail retold so you don’t miss out on next Thursday’s episode

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